Margot & Vincent's Hands

Margot & Vincent's Hands
Me and my Prescious Son

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Blue Diary Continued....

Monday July 10, 1989 3:30a.m. 19 weeks 

Dear Baby:

This past Thursday we went back to the Doctor's.  Your Dad heart your heartbeat finally and we made an appointment for the sonogram to hopefully find out what sex you are!  The appt. is tomorrow at 4pm, I'll write you back and let you know how it went.
Sunday July 16, 1989 11:30 pm- 20 weeks-halfway there!

Dear Baby,
I'm sorry I didn't write tuesday but, the appt. got changed to Thursday and then they changed it again to friday. ugh!
We finally got it done but, unfortunately, you wouldn't  cooperate so we couldn't see your sex.  I go back in 2 months and should be able to find out then!
You're growing pretty fast now and I'm getting pretty big already, because of it. But, I don't mind, I love being pregnant and feeling you move inside me! I love you!

Friday July 28, 1989-22 weeks

Hello Baby!
Man are we getting big!  Things have been pretty tough for me lately; Aunt Tami wrecked my car last week (My Toyota celica) and we have to move, so I've been rather uptight and I think you know it because you're getting awfully active in there.  I love feeling you kick and move around, I just hope you're not feeling the anxiety that I am!  I don't want you to be a nervous person like me!  It would be nice if you could be calm like your father, nothing ever seems to get to him!
Until next time....



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