Margot & Vincent's Hands

Margot & Vincent's Hands
Me and my Prescious Son

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blue Diary-May, June, July 1989

Excerpts from the Blue Diary:

Tuesday May 9, 1989 10:30 pm

Hello!  Sorry I haven't written in a while but, as tired and 'Icky' as I've been feeling lately, I haven't had the gumption to do much of anything.
Last night was pretty exciting:  Aunt Tami and Uncle David got married.  It was kind of last minute, we all;
Me, your dad, Jay, Nana, Tami & David, went to the 'Outpost' Wedding chapel and Uncle Dallas & Aunt Lisa met us there.  It was really very sweet.  I just hope it lasts forever.

Tomorrow is our second doctor's appointment, I hope everything goes allright.  I'm just starting to believe you're really inside of me and I'm getting attached.  I would hate for something to go wrong!
I'll just pray nothing does!
Until later.....

Thursday May 11, 1989 10:15pm

I went to the Doctor's yesterday, everything was fine.  Dr. Prakash felt my Uterus and said that you're the right size for a 2 1/2 month fetus.  Yes, you're a fetus now.  As of the 9th week, you are no longer an embryo, I'm so happy!  But, I'm still a little worried because the Dr. couldn't hear your heartbeat.  But, he didn't seem too concerned.  He said we should be able to hear it on my next  visit in 4 weeks, then you'll be 3 1/2 months gestation.
Unfortunately, your Dad will leave for summer camp with the Army Nat'l Guard the day before the next appointment on the 8th of June, but there will be plenty of time for him to hear you!
We went to Jason's open house at School today, he's doing pretty good!
Gotta go now, baby I'm getting pretty tired!


Sunday May 21, 1989 10:30 a.m.

Hello! Nothing spectacular happening these days.  We went to McMahan's yesterday and bought a new dinette set, it's really nice w/6 camel-colored chairs and a wood formica finish. I'm sure you'll get to know this table for years to come.  (I don't remember whatever happened to that table lol)
My belly is getting bigger and bigger all the time.  It's starting twito make  my back hurt a lot, oh well! I'll live!
Today is the start of our 3rd month and so far, so good! I hope everything is o.k. with you, but I guess I'll find out soon enough!

Thursday June 8th, 1989

Today was a very special day for me.  It was the day I came to realize that "Pregnant" is more than just a word.  It's life! Your life!  Nana and my friend Marilyn came with me to the Doctor's.  As soon as he placed the fetalscope on my belly,  your heartbeat could be heard loud and clear.  That was the moment I really realized you exist!  I wish Dad could have been there!
After Marilyn and I walked around the Mall and I bought you a yellow & white giraffe rattle.

I Love You,  Baby!


Saturday July 1, 1989  7:00 p.m.  4 1/2 months (18 weeks)

Hello Baby!  I'm starting to feel you move and kick now.  Today, I put my stethoscope on my belly to try and hear your heartbeat, but, I couldn't.  But, when I pressed it to a certain spot, you started kicking the can stethoscope!  Hard too! LOL!  Oh! I can hardly wait till you get here, I want to hold you, cuddle you and feed you so bad!  I had a dream that you were a pretty little girl with reddish hair and I was feeding you, it was so real that I woke up and started looking for you in the bassinet.  This Thursday is another Drs. appointment, I'm really hoping and praying that Daddy will be able to come this time.  If he doesn't, I will really be hurt!
Until next time....
