Margot & Vincent's Hands

Margot & Vincent's Hands
Me and my Prescious Son

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dear Vincent

To my dear son: Vincent
I am so frustrated with you! I just don't understand how you can be so cruel as to just forget about me now that you've left home!
Believe me, I understand that you don't miss me the same way I miss you and it's o.k. with me.  I believe God designed us that way, to make it easier for us to leave home and start our own lives.  If you were to feel the pain the way I do, you'd never leave home.  I am so proud of you, for what you're doing up there.  For how hard you're working!
I used to worry that you would turn out like your step-father: Lazy and without ambition.  But, it looks like all my worries were for naught.  You come from a long line of hard-working men:
Grandpa John, Grandpa Walt were both Geniuses in their own right.  Even your Uncle Scott has always worked very hard.  But, I do remember that at first he partied alot and didn't work, but once he got his first job, he worked very hard and would still be working if he hadn't been stricken with his disabilities.

Anyhow: what it all boils down to is that I understand you are busy, you're trying to get your life in order and that's O.K.!  What I don't understand is why you can't find a little niche of room for your Mother?
You rarely even answer my texts, let alone meet me online in; Facebook, Windows Live Messenger or even e-mail.  I'm not asking for you to drop everything and pay attention to me every day but jeez, once in a while would be nice!

No matter where you go or what you do in life, I'll always be your Mother, like it or not!  Don't forget me, honey, Please?
You're my life, my heart and my soul and no matter what, you'll always be a part of me!
I love you with every part of my being!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Empty Nest


Where do I go?
What do I do?
No matter what,
I'm away from you!
My arms ache, they long so...
for the feeling of your warmth,
for the glow of your soul.
For 20 years, I took for granted,
you would always be here,
Now, you're gone and I feel so frantic.
nothing could prepare me for this,for this 
life without you;
Nothing could have warned me
the pain, the longing, the loneliness
of this empty nest!