Margot & Vincent's Hands

Margot & Vincent's Hands
Me and my Prescious Son

Saturday, May 8, 2010


1st- Do Always work hard and do your best at everything. If you see someone working harder, work twice as hard as they  are! Without insulting them, of course, or trying to make a contest about it.

2nd-Do your absolute best at not burning bridges! If you work harder and better than even you thought you could do and always show respect to your boss, (like it or not) (like him or not). That way you can always count on getting a good reference, which is way more important than I ever thought. Try to leave a job in a good light, with plenty of notice so you can get a letter of recommendation before you leave. Even in your current situation, whether being paid under the table or not, that recommendation can really come in handy!!

3rd-DO Make work fun! Smile a lot! Hum while you work! This may sound silly and sometimes you have to force it, but it makes a huge difference not only in your day, but in that of the people around you, also!  The more you hate what you’re doing, the more you should hum, smile and only allow good thoughts into your head!  Don’t allow the negatives to enter your mind! Just try it, it really works!

4th- Don’t forget to thank your boss and co-workers whenever you can. MANNERS MATTER!!!!   For instance:  Show your boss how appreciative you are for the job. This is VERY IMPORTANT, Bubba!  If he doesn’t think you appreciate it, it wont be pleasant to work for him and it wont last!

5th- If you don’t know how to do something, never be afraid to ask.  I know you’ve never cared what people think of you, but sometimes it matters what they think. In this case, don’t worry about how you look by asking, what to you might seem like a dumb question, because you’ll really look dumb doing it wrong! 

 I think about you and what I can do to help you all the time, so I hope you don’t mind if I write you again and again with ideas as they come to me!
I love you more than anything on this earth, Vin’! You’re my light, my heart and soul!!!!!! Please, always take care of yourself and remember always, God and I have your back!!!

With Blessings and Love;

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